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  • Writer's pictureGary Dinmore

Discovering the potential opportunities of hydrogen through electrolysis

Hydrogen is a clean and versatile energy carrier that can be used for various applications, such as transportation, power generation, and long-term energy storage.

Hydrogen has the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve air quality, enhance energy security, and diversify the energy mix. Here are some of the main opportunities of hydrogen through electrolysis:

  • Hydrogen can be used as a fuel for vehicles that run on fuel cells, which convert hydrogen and oxygen into electricity and water. Fuel cell vehicles have zero tailpipe emissions and can travel longer distances with less refueling than conventional vehicles. Hydrogen can also be stored in tanks or underground caverns for later use. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), fuel cell vehicles could account for 10% of global passenger car sales by 2030.

  • Hydrogen can be used as a feedstock for power generation using various technologies, such as steam methane reforming (SMR), gasification, pyrolysis, or biomass gasification. These technologies can produce hydrogen from natural gas, coal, biomass, or waste materials. Hydrogen can then be used to generate electricity in combined heat and power (CHP) plants or standalone power plants. Hydrogen can also be injected into the existing natural gas grid or combined with renewable electricity sources to balance supply and demand.

  • Hydrogen can be used as a medium for long-term energy storage using electrolysis to convert excess renewable electricity into hydrogen when it is cheaper than grid electricity. The hydrogen can then be stored in tanks or underground caverns for later use when renewable electricity is more expensive or unavailable. This way, hydrogen can help smooth out the fluctuations in renewable energy output and provide reliable baseload power.

Hydrogen through electrolysis offers many advantages over other energy storage solutions, such as batteries or pumped hydro storage. Hydrogen has a high energy density per unit volume (about 120 MJ/kg), which means it can store more energy in less space than batteries or compressed air. Hydrogen also has a low self-discharge rate (about 1% per year), which means it does not lose its stored energy over time like batteries do. Moreover, hydrogen is abundant in nature and widely available from various sources.

However, there are also some challenges and barriers that need to be overcome before hydrogen through electrolysis can become a mainstream solution for energy storage. Some of these include:

  • The high cost of electrolyzers and hydrogen infrastructure compared to other storage technologies.

  • The low efficiency of electrolysis compared to other conversion technologies.

  • The safety issues related to handling flammable gases like hydrogen.

  • The regulatory frameworks and policies that support or hinder the development of hydrogen markets.

To address these challenges and realize the full potential of hydrogen through electrolysis, several actions are needed from different stakeholders, such as governments, industry, research institutions, and consumers. Some of these include:

  • Developing innovative technologies that improve the performance, cost-effectiveness, safety, and environmental impact of electrolyzers and hydrogen infrastructure.

  • Establishing supportive policies that create incentives for investment in hydrogen production, distribution, consumption, and storage.

  • Promoting public awareness and education about the benefits and opportunities of using hydrogen as an energy carrier.

  • Fostering international cooperation and collaboration among countries that have different strengths and resources in developing their own hydrogen strategies.

Hydrogen through electrolysis is a promising technology that can play a key role in decarbonizing the energy sector and achieving sustainable development goals. By harnessing its clean potential and overcoming its technical challenges, we can unlock new possibilities for creating a greener future with less reliance on fossil fuels.

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