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  • Writer's pictureGary Dinmore

Meeting the World’s Growing Energy Demand with Clean Energy

We keep using more energy yet want solely clean energy to fuel this growing demand. We will need a giant ship; fusion energy is the catalyst, the technology that must be used even to get close to this goal.


The global population is constantly growing, and as a result, the energy demand is also increasing at an alarming rate. According to projections, energy needs are expected to surge by 55% between 2005 and 2030. This means that demand will grow from 11.4 billion tons of oil equivalent to 17.7 billion, an unprecedented expansion. Developing countries experiencing rapid industrialization and urbanization are the primary drivers of this surge. However, the current energy crisis is reshaping previously well-established demand trends, and there is a pressing need to explore alternative energy sources to meet the growing demand while reducing our reliance on fossil fuels.

Current Energy Landscape

The energy sector has significantly changed in recent years due to high energy prices, energy security concerns, and climate policies. Natural gas, which had emerged as a dominant fuel source, is now experiencing a slowdown in its growth trajectory. This is due to the increasing competition from renewable energy and the tightening of regulations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

As a result, coal has seen a temporary resurgence in some regions, particularly in the power and industry sectors, in response to increased natural gas prices. However, this trend is expected to be short-lived, as efforts to reduce emissions are likely to put coal into decline again.

Meanwhile, the oil demand is projected to rise by 0.8% annually until 2030. However, this growth is expected to peak at around 103 million barrels per day as electric vehicles (EVs) and energy efficiency gains undermine its prospects. The rise of EVs, in particular, is expected to significantly impact oil demand as they become increasingly affordable and accessible to consumers. This, coupled with the growing trend towards energy efficiency, will likely lead to a gradual decline in oil consumption in the coming years.

The Role of Clean Energy

As the world's population continues to grow at an unprecedented rate, the energy demand is also increasing rapidly. To meet this growing demand, clean energy sources such as solar, water, geothermal, bioenergy, and nuclear are expected to play a significant role. Renewables, particularly solar PV, have made remarkable progress in the last decade, accounting for 43% of electricity generation worldwide in 2030, up from 28% in 2021.

However, despite their rapid growth, renewable energy sources still struggle to keep pace with the increasing global electricity demand. Even with solid growth, renewables will only be able to meet around half of the projected increase in global electricity demand over the next two years. This means fossil fuel-based electricity generation is expected to cover 45% of additional orders in 2021 and 40% in 2022, while nuclear power is expected to account for the rest.

While renewable energy sources have made significant strides in recent years, there is still a long way to go before they can fully meet the world's growing demand for electricity. It is, therefore, crucial to continue investing in and promoting clean energy sources to ensure a sustainable future for generations to come.

The Need for Accelerated Clean Energy Development

With the world's increasing need for energy, developing clean and sustainable energy sources is essential. Various policy packages, government plans, and targets are being implemented in advanced economies to achieve this. However, implementing these measures can take a considerable amount of time. Therefore, short-term actions are crucial to reducing fossil fuel dependency, particularly in Europe. These actions can help address the region’s urgent energy needs and pave the way for a more sustainable future.

The world's ever-increasing population is leading to a rapidly growing demand for energy. Reports suggest that energy needs will surge by 55% between 2005 and 2030, meaning the market will grow from 11.4 billion tons of oil equivalent to 17.7 billion. This unprecedented expansion is primarily driven by developing countries experiencing rapid industrialization and urbanization.

Despite natural gas emerging as a dominant fuel source in recent years, the energy sector has significantly changed due to high energy prices, energy security concerns, and climate policies. Renewables such as solar, water, geothermal, bioenergy, and nuclear are expected to meet the growing energy demand significantly. However, even with their solid growth, renewables will only be able to meet around half of the projected increase in global electricity demand over the next two years.

Renewable energy sources, particularly solar PV, have made remarkable progress in the last decade, accounting for 43% of electricity generation worldwide in 2030, up from 28% in 2021. The rapid growth of renewable energy sources is expected to continue, but they still struggle to keep pace with the increasing global electricity demand. Fossil fuel-based electricity generation is expected to cover 45% of additional orders in 2021 and 40% in 2022, while nuclear power is expected to account for the rest.


To achieve a sustainable energy future that meets our energy needs and addresses the urgent issue of climate change, it is essential to develop clean and sustainable energy sources on an accelerated basis. Various policy packages, government plans, and targets are implemented in advanced economies to promote clean energy sources. However, it is crucial to take short-term actions to reduce dependency on fossil fuels, particularly in Europe, to address the region's urgent energy needs and pave the way for a more sustainable energy future.

In conclusion, the world's growing energy demand presents a significant challenge, but it also provides an opportunity to accelerate the development and deployment of clean energy technologies. It is crucial to continue investing in and promoting clean energy sources to ensure a sustainable future for future generations.

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