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  • Writer's pictureGary Dinmore

How is fusion energy doing?

Where does Voco see our best shot at the commercialization of fusion energy machines? Helion Energy is one company that is leading the wave and we intend to follow their lead - for now.

Fusion Energy

Fusion energy is a type of energy that is generated through the process of nuclear fusion. This phenomenon occurs at the core of stars, including our sun, where hydrogen atoms are forced together under extremely high pressure and temperature. By fusing, these hydrogen atoms form a new element called helium, which releases enormous energy. This energy is what is known as fusion energy. It is a fascinating concept that has intrigued scientists for decades, as it can potentially provide a virtually limitless source of clean energy for humanity. Researchers are currently developing ways to harness the power of fusion energy here on Earth, using special reactors that can replicate the conditions of the sun's core. If successful, this could revolutionize how we power our homes, businesses, and vehicles while also helping to address the urgent need to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and combat climate change.

Fusion energy is a type of stored energy that has the potential to revolutionize the energy industry. This is because the energy produced from fusion reactions can be between 20 to 100 million times more than that of a fossil fuel's chemical reaction. The reason for this immense energy potential lies in the structure of atoms. Almost all of the mass of an atom, approximately 99.9 percent, is contained inside the atom's nucleus, which is incredibly small in comparison to the overall size of the particle. The ratio of matter to space in an atom is almost the same as that of energy released when the heart is manipulated. Fusion energy is generated by heating hydrogen gas to extremely high temperatures, causing the hydrogen atoms to collide and fuse to form helium. This process releases tremendous amounts of energy through heat and light. Unlike fossil fuels, fusion energy does not release any greenhouse gas emissions, making it a cleaner and more sustainable alternative.

Moreover, fusion energy has the potential to generate immense amounts of energy while generating minimal waste. The waste produced by fusion reactions is radioactive and can be safely stored and disposed of. This starkly contrasts the waste produced by traditional nuclear power plants, which can remain hazardous for thousands of years. Fusion energy holds great promise as a source of clean, abundant, and sustainable energy for the future. While the technology to produce fusion energy is still in its infancy, with continued research and development, we could one day harness the power of the stars here on Earth.

Field-Reversed Configuration Machines

A field-reversed configuration (FRC) is a type of plasma device studied for its potential to produce nuclear fusion. The fundamental principle of FRC is to confine a plasma on closed magnetic field lines without any central penetration. The plasma in an FRC forms a self-stable torus structure that resembles a smoke ring. FRCs gained significant attention in the 1960s and 1970s as a potential solution for achieving practical fusion triple products, which are target combinations of density, temperature, and confinement time required for nuclear fusion.

However, FRCs encountered several challenges in scaling up to practical applications, such as sustaining the plasma for long periods and maintaining its stability. Despite these challenges, research interest rekindled in the 1990s, and as of 2019, FRCs have been a thriving area of research. Scientists have been focusing on enhancing FRCs' performance by improving their confinement properties and optimizing their triple product values, which could eventually lead to practical fusion energy production. In recent years, significant progress has been made in understanding the physics of FRCs and developing techniques to improve their performance. With continued research and development, FRCs could become a promising technology for producing sustainable and clean fusion energy.

Helion Energy

Helion Energy, Inc. is a highly innovative American company based in Everett, Washington, dedicated to advancing the field of fusion research. The company's primary focus is on developing a revolutionary magneto-inertial fusion technology that has the potential to produce helium-3 and fusion power through an aneutronic fusion process. This approach could pave the way for producing low-cost, clean electric energy using a fuel source that can be derived exclusively from water.

Helion Energy was established in 2013 by a team of four visionary founders: David Kirtley, John Slough, Chris Pihl, and George Votroubek. Their expertise in the field of fusion research has been instrumental in the company's success, which has been recognized with numerous awards and accolades. For example, the management team won the 2013 National Cleantech Open Energy Generation competition and was at the 2014 ARPA-E Future Energy Startup competition.

In May 2023, Helion Energy announced that Microsoft would become the company’s first customer. This is a significant milestone for Helion Energy, as it will provide fusion power to Microsoft starting in 2028. The partnership between Helion Energy and Microsoft is expected to bring about a significant transformation in the energy industry, and the world will witness an era of clean, renewable energy production that is both cost-effective and sustainable.

Fusion energy holds immense potential as a clean and renewable source of energy. The technology is based on the fusion of atomic nuclei to generate power, which is safe and has zero emissions. Field-reversed configuration machines are currently being developed as a promising solution for making fusion energy a reality. In particular, companies like Helion Energy are at the forefront of developing these machines and making progress toward commercializing fusion energy technology. With continued research and development, fusion energy could revolutionize how we generate and use energy in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way.

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